UPM2 Group Leader (연구 책임자)

KIM Young-Jin (김영진)

Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering (기계공학과),

Joint Professor (겸임교수), Department of Aerospace Engineering (항공우주공학과),

Director (단장), Ultrafast Optics for Ultraprecision Technology Research Center (극초단광학 초정밀기술 연구단)

Rm# 6113, N7-4, 291 Daehak-ro, Yusung-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea

(대전광역시 유성구 대학로 291 N7-4 기계공학과 6113호)

E-mail: yj.kim@kaist.ac.kr


Advancing the ultra-precision light source technology from IR to EUV regime using the optical frequency comb of the femtosecond pulse laser, and its interdisciplinary applications including precision spectroscopy, time/frequency standards, precision laser ranging, optical metrology, and nano/micro material processing. 


Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea 

Associate Professor (August 2019 - Present) 

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore [GROUP LINK] 

Nanyang Assistant Professor (NAP) (September 2014 - August 2019) 

Fellow, Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) (January 2015 - August 2019) 

KAIST, KAIST Institute for Optical Science and Technology (Jointly Appointed) 

KAIST, Ultrafast Optics for Ultraprecision Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering [GROUP LINK] 

Research Associate Professor (March 2013 - August 2014) 

Research Assistant Professor (March 2010 - February 2013) 

Demonstrated a high-resolution broadband femtosecond LIDAR by sweeping the repetition rate of the femtosecond fiber laser referenced to the time/frequency standard. Also developed high power fiber femtosecond laser and extending its application fields to coherent EUV generation and material processing. Performance improvement of pre-developed optical ranging principles in terms of the precision, range, and speed was an additional concern. Detailed research subjects were as follows.

Quantum Electronics & Photonics Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory [GROUP LINK]

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder CO, USA

NIST Guest Researcher (August 2011 - August 2013)           Advisor: Dr. Nathan R Newbury

Focused on combining two novel concepts of absolute measurement using ultrafast femtosecond pulses for diverse scientific and industrial applications: Multi-heterodyne (NIST) and balanced optical cross-correlation (KAIST). Applications include precise strain sensing, ultra-high-speed topography/tomography, and absolute ranging of multiple target objects.

KAIST, Ultrafast Optics for Ultraprecision Engineering Research Group [GROUP LINK]

Postdoctoral Associate (September 2008 - February 2010)    Advisor: Prof. Seung-Woo KIM

Developed the principle of high -precision optical ranging using time-of-flight of femtosecond pulses especially for space missions based on formation-flying of several satellites. Also demonstrated the optical frequency generator with compactness and high reliability based on the optical injection locking of the fiber frequency comb and applied them to the absolute distance metrology and DWDM telecommunications. Another concern was the construction of the high power fiber-based femtosecond laser. Detailed research subjects are as follows. 

KAIST, Billionth Uncertainty Precision Engineering Research Group [GROUP LINK]

Research Assistant (March 2002 - August 2008)    Advisor: Prof. Seung-Woo KIM

AIST- National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ),

Lengths and Dimensions Division, Length Standards Section (Tsukuba, JAPAN)

Visiting Researcher (January 2005 - February 2005)


Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)    Daejeon, KOREA

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, August 2008.  [Advisor: Prof. Seung-Woo KIM]

Thesis: Optical Frequency Generator for Absolute Distance Measurements based on the Optical Frequency Comb of a Femtosecond Pulse Laser

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)    Daejeon, KOREA

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, February 2004.  [Advisor: Prof. Seung-Woo KIM]

Thesis: Volumetric Interferometer using Heterodyne Technique

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)    Daejeon, KOREA

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, February 2002.





Professor (September 2019 – present)

Professor (September 2014 – present)


Lasers in 3D Printing and Manufacturing

  by (author): 

Lasers book.jpg