UPM2 Open Positions

Openings - 2023

We are hiring highly motivated graduate students (Ph.D. and M.S program), postdoctoral scholars, and visiting scholars with solid scientific background in one of the following areas, mechanical engineering (also electrical, optical, & & optical engineering), physics, and material science.

Undergraudate students are also welcome; sufficient grant support will surely be there.

Please send a brief CV via e-mail to Professor Y.-J. Kim (yj.kim@kaist.ac.kr).

우리 실험실은 열정적인 대학원생, 박사후 연구원 및 방문 연구원 분들의 지원을 기다리고 있습니다. 기계공학, 물리학, 재료공학, 및 전자공학 분야 등 다양한 분야의 전공자 분들을 환영합니다.

학부학생들의 연구참여도 환영합니다. 참여시간을 고려하여, 적절한 장학지원을 드립니다.

실험실에 관심이 있으신 분들은 편한 마음으로 이력서를 제 이메일(yj.kim@kaist.ac.kr)로 보내 주십시오.


Graduate Students

We are looking for self-motivated graduate students who would like to conduct research at the frontier in ultra-precision metrology and manufacturing. We are particularly interested in students with background in engineering, physics, and materials science. The successful applicants will have opportunities to develop excellent skills in multiple aspects including ultrafast photonics, optical metrology, laser manufacturing, flexible/stretchable electronics, IOT sensors, FDTD modeling, micro-/nano-fabrication, and optical/electrical characterization. Graduate students can be supported by either university scholarships, research scholarship (tuition/stipend), or national fellowships.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduate students who want to gain research experience in the general fields of photonics/ optics, IOT sensors, nano/micro devices, micro/nano fabrication, and optical microscopy. Both part time research during the regular semesters and full time research during the break terms are welcome.

Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Research Professors

We also have a few postdoctoral fellow and research professor positions. The candidates should have very strong experience in either ultrafast optics, optical metrology, laser manufacturing or flexible/stretchable electronics. Background in mechanical engineering, physics, and material science is preferred, but other disciplines are also considered.

Visiting Students and Scholars

We are also highly interested in working with self-supported international graduate students and visiting scholars (with fellowships/scholarships), who would like to explore the research areas in our group.

Candidates who are interested in one of these positions above should send a your full CV (with your background, research interest and prior experience) to Prof. Young-Jin KIM via e-mail (yj.kim@kaist.ac.kr).