Lab. for Ultra-Precision Metrology and Manufacturing (UPM2)

초정밀 광측정 및 가공 연구실

Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) 기계항공학부 기계공학과

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), South Korea

Research Objective (본 연구단의 연구목표)

Advancing ultra-precision light source technology from IR to EUV regime using femtosecond pulse lasers, and interdisciplinary applications including high-precision optical metrology, nano/micro material processing/synthesis, precision spectroscopy, time/frequency standards, and future space missions

본 연구단은 극초단 레이저를 공통 기반으로 하여, 적외선(IR)부터 극자외선(EUV) 영역에 이르는 광대역(broadband) 가간섭(coherent) 광원기술을 개발하고, 이를 초정밀 측정기술, 초정밀 광가공/합성/패터닝 기술, 시간/주파수 표준 확립 및 차세대 우주 미션에 이르는 다양한 응용분야에 적용하는 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.

The objective of our research is to exploit the newly emerging field of ultrafast optics so as to establish ultra-precision technologies that will enable nano-fabrication and metrology over extensive ranges as demanded in the next generation of precision engineering. To the end, a systematic approach will be pursued to generate noble coherent light sources covering the whole optical spectrum spanning from the THz wave to the EUV by making the most of femtosecond laser pulses. The study aiming to investigate ultrafast optics for improving the level of ultraprecision comprises a series of research subjects that are categorized into five groups as follows:

These itemized R&D subjects are investigated individually in parallel with each other, with focus on creating their possible contributions for the advance of fundamental ultra-precision science and technology. And, at the same time, the achieved results of the subject will be synthesized and combined together to demonstrate their usefulness as basic core technologies enabling a wealth of industrial applications of ultra-precision. 

Research Vision and Long-term Goals (장기 연구목표 및 비전)

Detailed Research Subjects (세부 연구주제)

KAIST Research-Vol.2(국문)_김영진_도약연구2_발췌.pdf
페이지_ K-light Vol. 4 no. 3 (2021.07)-web ver_실험실_소개.pdf

Research Highlights (대표 연구실적)

Research Funding (연구과제)